So, you’re finally getting started in real estate. Congratulations! Your career up ahead presents endless possibilities for you and your family. But,wait. How do you even make your first sale?

A winning real estate career is one that’s built on connections and relationships. After all, anyone is a potential sale if you can adequately cultivate your relationship with them. The long game of real estate is all about building your network and keeping your pipeline fresh. It’s never going to work if you just want to make instant money from the get-go.

So, here are some tips to get real estate leads and jumpstart your career:

Step 1: Build a Database and Keep It Up to Date

The first step to getting leads is connecting with as many people as possible. While you may think that this is a daunting task, you can actually start small with people closest to you. A successful real estate agent connects with their friends, family, former colleagues, or basically anyone they know.

Make it clear that you can be their go-to real estate agent by keeping close contact with them. Who knows, maybe they can send you referrals as time goes by.

However, you need to nurture your relationships with them by letting them know how much they matter through small gifts and frequent conversations.

After all, the number one rule of lead generation is keeping the connection personal.

Step 2: Google Yourself

If you’re not Googling yourself, then you’re making a grave mistake. Most of your clients, if not all, are doing this to determine if you’re a good fit for them.

So, ensure that you monitor and maintain your online presence for leads to find you. Furthermore, you can improve your position by connecting with your existing and past clients to give you reviews.

Step 3: Update Your Online Profiles

Of course, your leads aren’t just searching for you on Google. They’ll also look up your online profiles like your LinkedIn, Facebook, and website. After all, people like to deal with professionals they can trust with their real estate. Your online profiles are a great way to demonstrate this.

Step 4: Build Your Real Estate Network

Let’s face it. Your clients will need more than just a great real estate agent. They’ll need competent lawyers, a trustworthy inspector, and a reliable team of lenders to help them on their journey.

Therefore, you can increase your value by building your network of real estate professionals to whom you can refer your clients if they need help. Besides, you can also enjoy referrals from your network, so it’s a win-win.

Step 5: Start Conversations

This is a must for a new real estate agent. You can’t expect to gain leads if you go practically undercover and no one knows about you. If you don’t talk to people, you will never find out that they want to sell or buy a home.

Step 6: Keep Learning

Just because you’re now a real estate agent doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. In fact, if you want to build your confidence and hone your expertise, then you’ll have to attend a lot of real estate classes and real estate training. Your clients will naturally gravitate towards you as you confidently build relationships with them. Check out some of our resources to jump start that learning!

If you want to know how to get your real estate license in Massachusetts, check out our website.

Final Thoughts

Building relationships with people can take your career a long way, especially if you’re just starting out. However, you need to remember that your efforts to build and expand your client pool can take a long while. In fact, it can take years to make your first sale in real estate. The key here is to find what works for you and build on it. Consistently taking action from the start will help you gain the leads you’re looking for and, finally, make a sale.

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