As an experienced agent, I can assure you that real estate leads are the backbone of your business. Lead generation in real estate equates to customers, sales, profits, and growth. I recommend learning how to get real estate leads to achieve your business goals. Your sales, commission rate, and lead stats rely heavily on your ability to generate real estate leads.

I’ve come up with a list of three practical, low-cost tips on how to generate real estate leads that will ring your phone off the hook. Read on to learn how these tips can take your business to new heights!

1. Make Calls Right Now

If you’ve been wondering how to get leads in real estate, I suggest making calls from your phone right now. A whopping 64% of all real estate transactions come from referrals, and another 25% are from repeat clients.

If you build your connections well, your network can help your business skyrocket. Check with your friends if they know anyone who needs your services. Ask previous clients if there’s anything you can do for them now.

I started making at least one call per day over a year ago, and this habit has helped me unlock my full earning potential.

2. Create Videos

A recent survey showed that property listings with videos generate over four times more leads. Videos have become tools for lead generation real estate agents cannot bypass.

Here are some of the types of videos I use on my website and social media pages:

  • Pre-property listings
  • Customer testimonials
  • Quick tours

Apart from the typical YouTube and Facebook videos, I recommend using TikTok. With over 80 million users in the US, the platform has helped hundreds of realtors reach newfound success through relatable content. You don’t need to be an influencer to go viral on the platform. One groundbreaking piece of content is enough to get you in front of countless potential clients.

3. Use Facebook Messenger Ads

Lead generation for real estate used to have too many steps. I attended many non-real estate events in the past to gather information on potential clients, calling each one to find out if they have requirements. Each additional step I took gave potential clients more opportunities to lose interest in what I had to offer.

Luckily, technological advancements like Facebook Messenger ads provide clients with an option to start a live conversation with real estate agents. This simple process eliminates the need to fill out a form and provide contact information, leading to more leads and better response rates. This technique has helped me reach new levels of success for my real estate business.

Here are some practical tips to achieve your business goals:

  • Build your network: A massive 64% of sellers found their agents through referrals, while 25% trust agents they’ve previously hired. Building your network can create the majority of your future salaries.
  • Add certifications to your credentials: There are many in-person and online classes available for real estate agents. Check out some NAR certifications that can boost your brand.
  • Invest in lead generation: Nowadays, you can use digital strategies to communicate with potential clients, like Facebook Messenger ads, group texts, and email blasts. Daily prospecting activities can go a long way.

Like in most industries, the possibilities with a realtor salary are endless. With passion, experience, and dedication, you can reach new heights as a real estate agent.

Achieve Your Business Goals Today

The key to achieving your business goals lies in learning how to get leads for real estate. These three practical tips — making phone calls, creating videos, and using Facebook Messenger ads — will have your phone ringing off the hook. Continue learning about real estate lead generation to keep your business thriving!

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